
Oct 24, 2010

Playstation 3′s 6 most popular Heroes

Every console has heroes who are synonymous to them and the PS3′s got some of the most badass, awesome and outright amazing heroes to have ever graced any console. The PS3′s heroes have got them all, amazing agility, heroic superpowers, Godly abilities, outstanding good looks or a steadfast determination. These heroes have got all the required ingredients which makes for some unforgeable gaming experiences and each one of them can boast of a huge fanbase.
Today, Gamersmint looks back at 6 such heroic dudes who only made their presence felt on the PS3 this gen and who have played a major role in helping the console gain a much wider userbase. Some these superstars have already graced previous Playstation consoles, however they are now exclusive to the PS3.

Nathan Hale
Favorite Hero Hobby – Fighting against Chimera and kicking serious ass
Appeared in Resistance 1 and Resistance 2
Nathan Hale plays the lead role in both Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2. A soldier in the US miltary, Nathan was infected with the Chimeran virus, however he survived and gained terrfic powers which saw him lead the British resistance against the Chimeran invasion of British. He eventually succeeded in saving Britain. Nathan continued his valiant efforts and moved to fight against Chimeras in America and played a key role in subduing the Chimeran invasion even there, become one of the Sentinels. However, Nathan Hale finally succumbed to the virus but he didn’t become a vicitim. Nathan ordering Josepg Capelli to shoot himself , thus becoming a hero rather than something he fought all his life.
A guy with such heroic qualities deserves only respect and is truly one of the ambassadors of the Playstation 3 brand. We wish Nathan would have made his presence felt in Resistance 3 aswell but ALAS!

Cole Mcgrath
Favorite Hero Hobby: Wrecking Havok in style
Appeared in inFamous, InFamous 2 ( yet to release)
Cole Mcgrath is the perfect examply of how a normal boy can turn into a superhero overnight. Being at the wrong end of a electrical explosion, Cole found that he had been blessed with amazing electrical abilities once he wakes up but also that everyone near him were killed in the explosion. His powers prove to be both a blessing and a curse and Cole goes on fight one of the nastiest villains in videogame history and proves how a normal delivery boy can turn into someone who’s responsible and knows how to move around with new found super powers. We can all relate to Cole and this makes him all the more special.
Truly a shining example of how to create a superhero, inFamous is one of the finest superhero videogames ever made only because it’s got Cole Mcgrath, the PS3 owners are all smiles too.
Cole MacGrath is the protagonist of inFamous andinFamous 2, an ordinary man given an extraordinary ability to control electricity. He is voiced by Jason Cottle in inFamous and by Eric Ladin in inFamous 2.

Nathan Drake
Favorite Hero Hobby – Finding unknown treasures and saving the world.
Appeared in – Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2
Nathan Drake ( Nate to his friends) is a treasure hunter who’s the lead protagonist of PS3′s Uncharted series, one of the most successful PS3 exclusive series ever.
Nathan’s rumored to  be a descendant of the famous British explorer, Sir Franchis Drake and loves going after unknown treasures. His most recent outing saw him chase after the Cintamani Stone which led to him getting into a mess bigger than anything he expected to fall in. However, being the slick adventurer that he is, Nathan ended up saving the world and finding and placing the Cintamani Stone where it should be. Nathan’s also got the company of some of the hottest and most beautiful ladies to have appeared in any videogame and he handles them with as much ease as he handles obstacles and enemies.
Truly one of the most amazing heroes to have graced any console, leave alone the PS3. We can’t wait to see Nathan be back to his adventuring ways in the third edition of the Uncharted series.

Solid Snake
Favorite Hero Hobby: Doing unusual things and fighting surreal enemies.
Appeared in: Metal Gear Franchise
We don’t need to say much about Solid Snake. It will suffice to say that he is someone who’s been with the Playstation brand right from the start and his final outing which was in the PS3, Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots, is an experience that any self-respecting gamer can’t miss.
When it comes to being a hero, noone does it better than this man. “I am no Hero”, is just an example of how modest he is.

Favorite Hero Hobby: Killing Greek Gods
Appeared in: God of War series
A guy who kills Gods like mortals, prides himself in ripping apart living beings and has a RAGE that’s bigger than all of Olympus. Need we say more?
If there’s one hero who’s all CHAOS, it’s gotta be the God of War!

Favorite Hero Hobby: Winning Hearts!
Appeared in: LittleBigPlanet and LittleBigPlanet 2 ( Yet to release)
He s so cute and lovable, the hero of many a gamers hearts! Sackboy is a character whom we all want to shine and not without reasons. One of the most lovable videogame characters in recent times.
This makes him as big a hero as everyone else on this list! Don’t you agree?
That’s it for now, if you have anyone whom we missed but is a hero that the PS3 has been fortunate enough to experience exclusively this gen, do let us know below –


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