
Oct 25, 2010

Nintendo Has Sold More Than 65 Million Wii Remotes in U.S.

Nintendo brags about how well the Wii remote has sold ahead of the Wii Remote Plus' release on November 7.

Sure, the Wii is successful, but just how many Wii remotes are actually out there? Nintendo has decided to fill us in today, issuing a press release that claims that more than 65.3 million Wii remotes have been sold in the United States alone, according to figures from the NPD Group.
Those numbers take into account more than just those sold on their own; it also takes into account 30.41 million that were included with Wii hardware and 12.92 million included with Wii Play. As for specific colors, 18.56 million of the white version have been sold separately, with 2.44 million black remotes, 467,500 pink remotes, and 465,200 blue remotes also contributing to the total. The press release also claims, "This demonstrates that Wii owners like to play and they like to play together. They're not the stereotypical gamers playing alone in their parents' basement." If you happen to fit that stereotype... well, Nintendo apparently isn't worried about offending you.
The bragging comes ahead of the release of the new iteration of the Wii Remote, the Wii Remote Plus, in North America on November 7, the same day we'll be getting both the red Wii and DSi XL bundles.


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