
Jun 22, 2011 Game Center Adding On-Demand Game Demos through Gaikai

Cloud gaming platform announces deal with world's largest retailer.

Walmart is taking a page from OnLive and getting into the on-demand video game business -- with a twist. The retailer has announced a new partnership with cloud gaming platform Gaikai that will allow potential customers to instantly demo games on the Game Center before they buy.

For startup Gaikai, the Walmart deal is a huge, linking its platform with the world's largest retailer. The company has also already signed a deal with Electronic Arts, and deals with a number of other publishers are now in the works.

The Game Center will use Gaikai's platform to allow potential customers to instantly demo the biggest upcoming video games. Because Gaikai hosts and runs the games on its own servers, even Game Center visitors with low end PCs will be able to sample titles.

David Perry, Gaikai CEO, confirmed with VentureBeat the deal with Walmart is in place. He noted that, through a survey of 20,000 gamers, the company found that the number one incentive to purchase a game is being able to try it out first. Over the coming year, gamers will be able to instantly demo a growing number of upcoming titles across all platforms on and then order the full retail game from The Game Center.

"Over the next 12 months, when people see a video game on TV and want to try it out, they can be sure the fastest way will be on Walmart's website," Perry said. "It's an exciting time and you'll see more sites around the world doing these stealth launches with us."

At this point, Gaikai is still integrating its platform with the Game Center, and no titles are yet available to demo. No official launch date was announced.


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