
Jun 14, 2011

Activision: 2 Million Gamers Enlisted for CoD: Elite Beta

Social network set to begin testing later this summer.

More than 2 million people have signed up for the beta for Call of Duty's upcoming social network, Elite, Activision has revealed, a sure sign the fastest selling entertainment franchise in history isn't about to slow down anytime soon.

Posting on his blog, One of Swords, Activision's social media manager Dan Amrich announced that in less than two weeks since sign-ups for CoD: Elite opened, more than 2 million gamers have enlisted for the beta. And Activision expects that number to rise significantly.

"The official start of the beta is a month away, so there's still plenty of time for you to sign up," Amrich writes. "When the studio head at Beachhead said this would be a live beta, he was not kidding -- your participation really can make a difference in how Elite evolves. And don't be discouraged by the big number, thinking you shouldn't bother because they already have enough people -- two million volunteers among 30 million Call of Duty players is a small amount."
In other CoD news, Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer games brought Modern Warfare 3 to Late Night with Jimmy Fallon yesterday, kicking off the show's video game week. Check the video below to get a glimpse of Spec Ops survival mode in action:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is being developed for Windows PCs, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. The game is set for release on November 8.


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