
Nov 23, 2010

Back to the Future: Your First Look

Telltale's episodic adventure exposed.

Back to the Future will be back in the near future courtesy of Telltale Games. Next month PC and Mac gamers will get to pick up on Marty McFly and Doc Brown's exploits, and PlayStation 3 and iPad owners will get their shot a little later on. Spread across five episodes, this video game continuation of the film trilogy will follow the two main characters on a totally new adventure. For the kids out there who haven't watched the trilogy, you should know it contains crazy science, awkward hoverboard chases, time travel, and bizarre incestuous implications. It's weird, but also very much worth watching.

Quite a bit of talent is involved with the project, including the co-creator / co-writer / co-producer of the movies Bob Gale, Christopher Lloyd as the voice of Doc Brown, and of course the group at Telltale that has very clearly demonstrated skill at building entertaining episodic adventures. I know the folks here at IGN are excited to see how things turn out, and Telltale just handed over a few screenshots to give us a look at the visual style.

From early art, it was clear the game would feature a less realistic approach with the graphics. Mike Stemmle, co-designer at Telltale, commented that "The game visuals take a stylized approach – staying true to the essence of the source material, of course. The first screenshots here show how this is coming together, which we'll continue refining as we polish the game."

Without spoiling anything, Stemmle gave out a few details of how the game will progress and some of the things you'll see. "The story in the game is completely new, set several months after the events of the third movie from Marty's perspective. Of course, this is a story that involves time travel, so who knows where it'll end up? We're working with Bob Gale to make sure we're delivering an authentic experience. There'll be numerous recognizable elements of course – the Hill Valley town center, the clocktower, the DeLorean, Doc's lab, and quite a bit more. And you'll see them in ways you haven't experienced before."

Though Doc Brown and Marty are in the screens, Marty McFly is the only playable character. "Doc's too much of a force of nature to be controlled," Stemmle said.

This is an adventure game, so you can expect to collects items here and there to solve puzzles and get characters to do things. As Stemmle states, "You'll be primarily applying inventory to in-world characters and objects in the game. Marty's not much of an 'assemble three inventory items into a workable gadget' kind of guy."

Here you'll also see an example of what the conversation system will look like.

So what do you think, looking good? Ambivalent? Day dreaming of an impending turkey dinner? Let us know in the comments below.


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